Surprise ! Alors que le film Aquaman ne sort que dans 22 jours chez nous, hier soir a eu lieu l'avant-première à Londres. Cependant, aucune critique écrite ne pourra être publiée avant le 11 décembre. Mais comme nous pouvions nous attendre, la Warner a levé l'embargo sur les réseaux sociaux. Ainsi, les plus gros sites et journaux ont chacun donné un court premier avis sur le film de James Wan. Et l'accueil est étonnamment chaleureux.
Souvent dans ce genre de cas, les premiers retours sont plutôt positifs. Souvenez-vous, même Justice League avait eu de bons retours, même si les défauts du film avaient tout de même été cités. Il faut cependant bien avouer que pour Aquaman, un certain enthousiasme est présent dans tous ces réactions. Bien entendu, ce n'est qu'un indicateur permettant d'évaluer à quoi s'attendre concernant l'accueil dans les salles, mais c'est un sacré signe de confiance pour les studios.
Vous trouverez les principaux retours ci-dessous, mais en résumé, Aquaman a plutôt été perçu comme un excellent divertissement, plein d'action, de fun et "beau à couper le souffle". Pour Paul Shirey de Jobo, il s'agit du "meilleur film Marvel de DC", quant à Peter Sciretta de Slashfilm, "il y a un côté film de la phase 1 de Marvel", ce qui est d'après lui, une excellente chose (les gens de DC apprécieront). Il a ajouté que si l'acte 3 dans les films de super-héros sont souvent un problème (on a tous en tête la dernière partie de Wonder Woman), celui d'Aquaman est étonnamment ambitieux. Digital Spy a même trouvé Jason Momoa charismatique.
En fouillant bien, il y a bien Jim Vejvoda d'IGN qui note qu'il y a bien des éléments ridicules dans le film, mais c'est tellement dingue, qu'il faudrait être un sacré rabat-joie pour ne pas apprécier.
De notre côté, il faudra patienter jusqu'au 19 décembre pour voir Aquaman dans les salles obscures et nous faire notre propre avis.
#Aquaman is ... good! It's certainly greater than the sum of its parts. It's chock full of ridiculous elements but it’s all so inherently bonkers that you’d have to be an utter killjoy to not get caught up in it
— Jim Vejvoda (@JimVejvoda) November 26, 2018
I’ll take some heat for this, but #Aquaman is the best Marvel movie that DC has made. That doesn’t mean it’s exactly like that formula, but it feels like a film that knows what it is, what it’s selling and who it’s selling to. There’s no identity crisis here.
— Arctic Ninja (@arcticninjapaul) November 26, 2018
🔱 #Aquaman is better than expected. Feels like a Marvel phase one movie, in a good way. It’s at its best when it’s having fun and not taking itself too seriously. Black Manta is great villain that comic book fans will love. Some truly spectacular one shots and good action.
— /Film (@slashfilm) November 26, 2018
Third act battle that doesn’t devolve into the typical comic book movie blah trap, and is surprisingly ambitious. A lot of the aspects I didn’t like can probably be traced back to decisions Snyder made that were inherited by Wan (casting, chemistry between Heard/Mamoa…etc).
— /Film (@slashfilm) November 26, 2018
Aquaman is a big, fun, wild ride. It’s unabashedly melodramatic and over the top with the largest, most ambitious sense of scale imaginable. Parts of it are kind of bad but they are not the majority and, oddly, still fit in with the cartoony tone. 2nd best DCU movie. YEEEAAHH!
— Germain Lussier (@GermainLussier) November 26, 2018
Fighting back the tide of DC negativity, #Aquaman is a lot of fun and brilliantly shot. It's not without its flaws, yet Jason Momoa is a charismatic lead and it very much feels like a @creepypuppet movie. Check back on @digitalspy on December 11 for the full review.
— Digital Spy (@digitalspy) November 26, 2018
Excited I can now say how much I enjoyed #Aquaman! It's a cool adventure built on some tremendous action sequences and set pieces, with a great hero arc/performance from Jason Momoa as the glue. There's fun world building, and it looks wonderful. A great step for the DCEU.
— Eric Eisenberg (@eeisenberg) November 26, 2018
Aquaman is an epic journey with incredible visuals and storytelling. The chemistry between Arthur and Mera carry the film and @creepypuppet has done these characters proud #Aquaman
— Geek Chat (@itsgeekchat) November 26, 2018
Chalk up a big, wet win for DC. @creepypuppet’s #Aquaman is an epic, swing-for-the-fences adventure that plunges fans into incredibly creative worlds. Goofy in spots, but it's rollicking fun. See it on the biggest screen possible!
— Sean O'Connell (@Sean_OConnell) November 26, 2018
#Aquaman is a stunning spectacle and Jason Momoa is a blast to watch from beginning to end.
— John Nguyen (@JohnSpartan300) November 26, 2018
#Aquaman was an absolute blast, from the charm of Momoa's Arthur Curry, to the spectacular visuals to the fun that it was clear that everyone was having. It was exactly what I was hoping for and I can't wait to see it again! I'll give you more details when I'm allowed!
— Jenna Busch-Henderson (@JennaBusch) November 26, 2018
Aquaman is a blast from start to finish, with beautifully directed action sequences, spectacular CGI and cinematography, great performances from Jason Momoa and Amber Heard, a fantastic soundtrack and overall...FUN! @creepypuppet absolutely knocks it out of the park! #Aquaman
— Shaurya Chawla (@_ShauryaChawla) November 26, 2018
#Aquaman is great. James Wan made a really unique super hero origin film, often crossing into fantasy-epic territory, but grounded in family and discovery.
The world is visually incredible. Jason Momoa as Arthur Curry is a total bad-ass. @yahya and @patrickwilson73 stand out!
— BD (@BrandonDavisBD) November 26, 2018
There were moments where I felt #Aquaman might be running a little long but it has SO much to unpack in building its own isolated world.
Huge, epic, unique, and stylish action-sequences balance the heavy exposition.
Movie isn't out yet but I want more from Wan, Momoa, & co.
— BD (@BrandonDavisBD) November 26, 2018
#AQUAMAN is an absolute blast! James Wan creates a thrilling story & makes a worthy entry in the DCEU
Full of spectacle & highlighted by creatures of the abyss, Wan creates an engaging adventure. The heart/emotion of the film resonated most, amplified by strong cast performances
— Cinema Debate (@CinemaDebate) November 26, 2018
Aquaman is a breathtakingly beautiful, weird, badass, FUN idea of a modern superhero fantasy (anime) and makes zero apologies. Second half's one cheer/laugh after another.
Imagine '80s Schwarzenegger starring in "Hideo Kojima's AVATAR" and you're most of the way there. #Aquaman
— Andrew Dyce (@andrewbdyce) November 26, 2018
Forever grateful to Wan and Snyder that this is the #Aquaman we get to have in movies.
This is DC's blockbuster #Venom.
— Andrew Dyce (@andrewbdyce) November 26, 2018
#Aquaman is the most ambitious DC movie to date -- a big, sprawling visual spectacle that is gorgeous, crazy, stuffed with terrific action, and a lot of fun to watch. James Wan, in my opinion, is the true star - he elevates the material, makes it entertaining and conquers it.
— Erik Davis (@ErikDavis) November 26, 2018
#Aquaman was outstanding. James Wan definitely loves the character and brings audiences one of the most unique super hero origin films in years. Tonally it strikes the right line! Feeling very similar to Sam Rami’s Spider-Man
— Jordan Samuel (@JordanESamuel) November 26, 2018
#Aquaman is AWESOME & absolutely delivers! Not only is @prideofgyypsies the King of Atlantis, but also the newly crowned King of the DCEU! 🔱👑 I can't wait to see it again!
— Umberto Gonzalez (@elmayimbe) November 26, 2018
#Aquaman is the best DC movie since The Dark Knight.@creepypuppet delivers a swashbuckling epic full of big emotion, gorgeous undersea visuals, exciting action, and lots of laughs.
WB should be handing the DCEU reins to James Wan, he's proven he can, ahem, right the ship.
— Tom Jorgensen (@Tom_Jorgensen) November 26, 2018
Against all odds, I really dug #Aquaman, which offers thrills chills and a whole lotta adventure for the whole family! Also the president of the United States is a demonstrably evil racist and there appears to be nothing we can do about that! See it on the biggest screen possible
— Wampler™ (@ScottWamplerRIP) November 26, 2018
I’ve seen @creepypuppet ‘s @aquamanmovie and it’s one terrific adventure. #JasonMamoa and #AmberHeard are fantastic together, both bringing a ton of humor. This is good stuff! It also happens to be gorgeous to look at! Check out @arcticninjapaul ‘s full review @joblocom soon!
— Jïmm¥†ðtheO (@JimmytotheO) November 26, 2018