En cette fin de weekend, nous vous avons sélectionné les 30 plus beaux Cosplays de la semaine.
1- White Lantern (DC Comics)
Cosplayeur : @oldfashionednerd
Credit photo : @nlighteneddesigns
2- Thor/Jane Foster (Marvel)
Cosplayeuse : @axsaina
Credit Photo : @jeremy rousseau
3- Static Shock (DC Comics)
Cosplayeur : @blackgaycomicgeek
Credit photo : @jrod_artography
4- Symbiote Spiderman (Marvel)
Cosplayeur : @xsymbiote_spideyx
5- Spiderman Insomniac (Marvel)
Cosplayeur : @spideybx
6- Bella Donna (RWBY)
Cosplayeuse : @xenogenetics_cosplay
Credit Photo : @andytaff
7- Soldat 76 (Overwatch)
Cosplayeur: @koreanbarbq
8- Silk (Marvel)
Cosplayeuse: @fioresofen
Credit photo: @J.Duran
9- Mercy ( Overwatch)
Cosplayeuse: @mondaye33
Credit photo @alyssa_usagiryuu_sama
10- Mileena (Mortal Kombat)
Cosplayeuse: @luna_demone
11- Miss Fortune (League of Legends)
Cosplayeuse: @namilyna
Credit photo: @gaudiramone
12- Misty (Pokemon)
Cosplayeuse: @irina_sabetskaya
13- Psylocke (X-Men)
Cosplayeuse: @invadernoodles
Credit Photo @chibibaby.photography
14- Riddler (DC Comics)
Cosplayeuse: @solpoin
15- Rita (Power Rangers)
Cosplayeuse: @katyafern
Credit phot: @jamie_flack
16- Mecha Pikachu et Mecha Umbreon (Pokemon, concept art)
Cosplayeuse: @dismei
Credit photo: @dtjaaaam
17- Lux (League of Legends)
Cosplayeuse: @xenon_cosplay
18- Loki (Marvel)
Cosplayeur: @ju_pessa
Credit photo: @dark.photographie
19- Lara Croft (Tomb Raider)
Cosplayeuse: @tanya_croft
20- Katarina (League of Legends)
Cosplayeuse: @zerosuitsami
Credit photo: Clay Moore Images
21- Green Arrow (DC Comics)
Cosplayeur: @greenarrowcosplay_ja
Credit photo: @mrphotodfw
22- Boba Fett (Star Wars)
Cosplayeur: @minibobafett
Credit photo: @jmsvlstrs
23- Cindy (Final Fantasy VII)
Cosplayeuse: @rosametalcosplay
Credit photo: @sohan_blazeca
24- Johanna (Diablo 3)
Cosplayeur: @astackhousee
Credit photo : @truesightphotography
25- Cyclope (X-Men)
Cosplayeur: @thenerdtruth
Credit photo : @edwardfotography
26- Dr Who (Dr Who)
Cosplayeur : @j_caito
27- Edward Elric (Full Metal Alchemist)
Cosplayeur : @maurizio.akira
Credit photo : @frascenzi
28- Black Cat (Marvel)
Cosplayeuse : @xsugarvenomx
Credit Photo : @nick_nacks_photo
29- Bat Girl (DC Comics)
Cosplayeuse : @_thatweirdgirlnextdoor_
Credit photo : Greg Rice
30- Groot et Rocket Racoon (Marvel)
Cosplayeurs : Groot: @pool_is_now_a_princess - Rocket Racoon: @tvbmanon
Credit Photo : @dark.photographie
Source: Instagram